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Turn your bad habits into good habits

Change your bad habits during ramadan!

How to change your bad habits during Ramadan?

With reference I will provide you a lot of information to change your bad habits and turn them into good habits especially during the holy month Ramadan.

Do you know our bad habits make us disgraced in society? We lose respect and people start hating us. And then we are trying to change our habits but we are not able to change them.

Don’t worry in today’s article we will talk about this topic, I will also give you references form the sayings of intellectuals and their books.

The first step to change your bad habits is making a list of your bad habits and identify all habits which people do not like in you.

In front for the bad habits in your list, write their alternative habits you can follow to change bad habits like your bad habit is using mobile phone overnight you can replace it with book reading, prayers, exercise, spend time with family and many more options you have.

If your bad habit is eating unhealthy food you can create a list of various healthy foods and have a proper balance diet sheet. Do you think it is difficult? Our first reference is from Quran e Majid, Allah says that “seek help from patience and prayers” what did you learn? The first thing is to seek help from patience.

Then follow your goal and don’t forget to pray and meditation. According to Atomic Habit by writer James Clear the first step to follow is patience. It is also mention in another book “The power of habit” by author Charles Duhigg, according to this book it is difficult to change habits but it is not impossible you can change your habits with patience.

But don’t forget to follow the steps which are mentioned in seven habits of highly effective people a book which is written by Stephan Covey.

Step 01: Take responsibility for your own life.

Step 02: Don’t do everything at once, schedule time change your habits step by step.

Step 03: Feel victory every time, if you feel changes in your habits you will surely win.

Step 04: Sharpen the saw.

If it takes more than two hours to cut a tree with an axe then you need to sharp your axe for at least one hour. Means that if you are willing to change your habits you need to make a strong commitment with yourself and then work hard to get your goal. Horace Mann said that “Any habit whether it is good or bad is like a cable, each day we weave a thread in it and it becomes strong day by day, finally we cannot break it.

So also choose good habits to change your life. To change your bad habits you do not need to fight with the old habits, Socrates said the “To make changes you do not need to fight with the old one but to create a new one” If you create a list of your bad habits and replace them with good habits everyone in the society will respect you and you will be a role model. It is said by Ovid that habits are gradually change into character so always choose good habits.


Quran is 4th holy book of Muslims, according to Quran Allah loves those who change their bad habits and turn them into good habits. ‘Wa Yuhibu Mutat’taharin” and Allah love those who purify themselves. It is mentioned in Quran that Allah does not help those give up without trying. In Islam only the person deserve respect that has a good moral (Mutaqi).


In Bible like Galatians 5:22-23 there is mentioned the importance of good habits, self-control and gentleness. If your bad habit is your anger then it is mention in Colossians 3:13 that forgive people as the lord forgive you. It also tells us it is possible to change habits with practise.

Other religions 

In Bhagvad Gita it is mentioned that “First understand your own duties, don’t interfere in other peoples affairs. (Chapter 3 verse 35) means that if you are willing to change your habits then don’t interfere in other peoples life until you can change your habit. And interfering is itself a bad habit. It is mentioned Dhamapada the book of Buddhism “Do not follow the path of negligence, no matter how much pleasure it may be, always follow good path with good habits.” Guru Grant and several other books teach humanity to follow straight path and change your bed habits.

In this Ramadan being Muslim it is our responsibility is follow straight path and it is indeed a good opportunity for everyone to change our bad habits. All we need to do is practise, practise and practise. Indeed replacing bad habits with good one will be a great achievement and it is the purpose of Ramadan that people give up their bad habits and help poor and needy people as well.

It is difficult to change your bad habits, but you can change it when you practise especially in this holly month and replace them with good habits. For that make a list of your bad habits and count them. Then find their alternative habits to cover them and at the end you will get good habits and you will be a good moral for your family and many more.

Written by Piyar Ali

I began my writing career as a freelancer on different websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer. I am most interested in writing about Science, Health, and International News. All of my articles are well-researched and based on reliable sources.