
What is H3N8 bird flu? How it spread from Animal to Human?

Information regarding H3N8 Flu, how it harm animals and humans!

What is H3N8 bird flu?

Recently a woman from China was infected with H3N8 bird flu and died at the age of 56. She becomes first women to die of this Virus. But the good thing is that the infection does not spread from one person to another.

She belongs to Guangdong China, which is in Southern province, according to WHO when she was ill they take a sample and got a positive result of A(H3)

H3N8 is disease found in birds, and it also affects other animals, but it is rare in human being.

What is H3N8 bird flu?

It is a type of influenza virus that only effect animals but recently it started to effect human being like 56 year old women from China died because of this virus.

H3N8 bird flu cause respiratory illness in birds and other animals, it cause illness in birds, dogs, cats, and horses, researchers consider it as a sub type of influenza A virus. It usually transfers from respiratory canal, but it does not means that it spread from on animal to another or one person to another person.

What are Symptoms of H3N8 bird flu?

Symptoms of H3N8 bird flu in animals and human: animals usually feel difficulty in breathing, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, and mostly sore throat and muscle ache. Most of the symptoms depend upon your immune system, if you have a strong immune system may be your symptoms becomes limited.

How H3N8 bird flu spread from animal to Human?

H3N8 bird flu usually spread from animal to human when there is a close relation with effected animals and bird, like in China they eat everything without any investigation, in such areas where dogs, horses, birds and other animals are in close contact. It is important to take care of hygiene. Clean your hands stay away from infected animal.

It spread form animal to human through a process which is called zoonotic transmission, in saliva of animals and birds contain virus which transferred from direct connection. When human being is near to an infected animal and the cough and sneezing of animal spread droplets in air which contain their saliva and the virus as well.

There are several other reasons like

01: Indirect Contact: it means that you are stay away from animals, but still you are infected, this is because of the food and water you use is infected by influenza virus.

02: Vector Borne: some zoonotic diseases are transmitted to human by other sources like mosquitoes ticks and dogs, cats bite.

03: Direct contact: it means that diseases can transfer directly from animal to human, when we are near to infected animal, by coughing and sneezing of infected animals.

As a human being it is important to take care of sick animals, if any animal is sick, they should be treated, and the cleanliness of both animals and humans should be taken care of.

What is treatment of H3N8 bird flu?

According to researchers vaccines are available for H3N8 bird flu in animals, help in influenza virus and any other respiratory problems. In human antiviral medicines are available to treat H3N8 bird flu and other viral diseases.

Many doctors recommend antiviral medicines to use but they did not recommend to use it properly, it means that you cannot use these medicines for daily use.

What is H3N8 Means?                

It belongs to influenza virus, where H means Hemagglutinin, N means Neuraminidase protein, and H3 means Hemagglutinin subtype 3, N8 means, and neuraminidase subtype 8.

It is Hemagglutinin which is responsible to the virus to attach to the host cell, so take care of your and your family hygiene.

Written by Piyar Ali

I began my writing career as a freelancer on different websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer. I am most interested in writing about Science, Health, and International News. All of my articles are well-researched and based on reliable sources.