
The Chief of the JI appeals to the establishment to prove its apolitical nature

As the chief of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), Sirajul Haq has called upon the establishment to prove their impartiality by not supporting one political party over another

A speech he gave in Rawalpindi emphasized that the JI is the only party capable of transforming Pakistan into a clean and green nation.

As Sirajul Haq addressed the leadership of Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), he stated that there was no need for additional speeches and instead, called for a reduction of 50% in the price of essential commodities such as flour, sugar, ghee, and rice. He also asked all the current rulers, including Asif Ali Zardari, Shehbaz Sharif, Nawaz Sharif, and Imran Khan, to sell their properties and pay off the country’s debts.

The JI chief criticized the tax collection target of Rs 170 billion and appealed to the establishment not to support corrupt individuals. He stated that the country’s rulers had repeatedly failed and their wealth increased as the national debt surged. In addition, he accused the Election Commission of Pakistan of not conducting elections on 11 vacant seats.

In his speech, Sirajul Haq declared that the people would no longer be victims of the judiciary, bureaucracy, military, and political leaders. He asserted that there was a lack of justice in the country, and that the courts and the entire system were in disarray. JI was the only party that supported the nation during various difficulties, such as floods, earthquakes, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

The JI chief promised to provide a corruption-free government, employment, and old-age benefits if his party came to power. In addition, he advised the people not to trust agents of the International Monetary Fund and stated that Bangladesh’s currency was stronger than Pakistan’s. Additionally, he stated that India earned $267 billion in the IT sector, while Pakistan earned only $2.6 billion.

Sirajul Haq criticized political parties for not doing enough to clean up their mess and for calling each other robbers and opportunists. He encouraged the members of these parties to question the leadership regarding their accomplishments. In addition, he discussed Sheikh Rashid, a minister who has served eight terms in office, and stated that his political interests focused on the Lai Nullah project, which has not yet been started. Rashid’s politics must be rejected by the people of Rawalpindi, he urged.

Written by Aly Bukshi

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