
Pakistani Forces Killed 12 TTP Terrorists in Lakki Marwat Operation

According to the military’s media wing, at least 12 Tehreek-e-Taliban terrorists were killed in an intelligence-based operation (IBO) in Lakki Marwat on Wednesday

On Tuesday night, police and security forces conducted a joint operation in Lakki Marwat that resulted in the neutralization of at least 12 terrorists. The authorities have confirmed that the terrorists were members of the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) group, who were responsible for killing six policemen in December 2022.

According to the law enforcement agency, the terrorists were on their way to carry out an attack in Tank when they were intercepted. An arsenal of weapons and ammunition were recovered from the terrorists’ possession. A process is currently underway to identify the terrorists.

The policemen involved in the operation were fortunate to emerge unscathed from the encounter with the militants.

Separately, a police check post in Dera Ismail Khan was attacked, but the attack was successfully repulsed by the police. The attackers exchanged fire with the police for 25 minutes before escaping upon the arrival of the Quick Response Force.

In a recent military operation conducted in the Esham area in the North Waziristan District, two terrorists were killed during an exchange of fire between them and the military. The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) reported that weapons and ammunition were also recovered from the deceased militants, who were actively involved in terrorist activities against the security forces.

As stated in a statement issued by the ISPR, the incident was a clear demonstration of the Pakistan Army’s zero tolerance policy towards terrorism, as well as its determination to confront any entity resorting to violence in any form.

Written by Aly Bukshi

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