
John Williams: Striving for Oscar Glory in Hollywood

Hollywood’s maestro John Williams aims higher Oscars past

John Williams recently shared his enthusiasm with NBC News, commenting that it is “very thrilling” to still be working after 53 years. The legendary composer went on to explain his belief that being rewarded for hard work is a natural emotion. Throughout his remarkable career, Williams has earned numerous nominations for his scores, yet only three of Steven Spielberg’s films – “Jaws,” “E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial,” and “Schindler’s List” – were nominated for Academy Awards.

Even against himself, he has repeatedly competed for Oscar success.

William is renowned for his opulent Wagnerian-style neo-Romantic scores, in contrast to the more experimental music that many contemporary composers outside of Hollywood tend to produce.

But he also heavily incorporates mid-century influences like jazz and well-known American standards into his compositions.

Williams insists that he is not as Wagnerian as his music might suggest, but he acknowledges that the German giant’s influence on the early composers of Hollywood, and consequently his own, is obvious.

Wagner lives here with us; you can’t get away from it, he told The New Yorker in 2020.

“I have joined my friends to swim in the large river.” (AFP)

Written by Mahnoor Mushtaq

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