
Conjunction of Venus with Moon

This night Planet Venus and Our Moon come closer to each other

Conjunction of Venus with Moon

What is the star near to the moon?

The Star which is present in the sky is actually Venus, and it is the Conjunction of Venus and Moon.


When two planets or moons come close to each other in the sky when we viewed from Earth is seem like they are near to each other is called conjunction of the bodies.

This night Planet Venus and Our Moon come closer to each other and look like they both are taking to each other and attending an important meeting.

Why Conjunction of Moon with Venus is happened?

This happens because Venus and Moon both have an orbit to the sun. It is happens because of the Earth position as well. The orbit of Earth, Moon and Venus came to near direction but not the plane. That is why from the Earth surface it looks like both are in one place. This happens when moon and Venus align each other.

Align of Moon and Venus

The alignment of moon and Venus tonight make them closer, but what the word Align means?

Align means when two bodies (celestial objects) came in straight line to each other. Like in solar eclipse the moon align itself between Earth and Sun then the shadow of moon on Earth surface cause eclipse of the sun.

The Conjunction of Moon occurs mainly when there a new phase of moon starts. This Amazing scene will be seen in other countries of the world. You will see the conjunction of Moon and Venus 5 to 7 times in a year.

How can we see Venus with our naked eyes?

Venus is Planet of our solar system; it is so bright in the sky that makes it more visible. It looks like Earth so is often called sister planet of Earth. The conjunction of Moon and Venus is common and you can see it with your naked eyes, but if you have a good telescope then you can definitely watch a beautiful sight in the night sky.


Venus if 2nd Planet present in our solar system. It is brightest planet and seem like Earth so is called Sister of Earth.

The first planet of solar system is Mercury; the Second one is Venus which is closer to Earth. It has a thick atmospheric system.  It has no moons. But it does not means that it come closer to our Moon just to overcome its loneliness it was a just a conjunction.

Scientists on Venus

Scientists have sent several missions on Venus to make research. Like NASA’s Magellan spacecraft were busy to research more about surface of Venus.

According to scientists the Venus is made up of Rocks just like our Earth it has clouds, Atmosphere made up of Co2, and more.

The moon and Venus are closer to each other and this scene looks very beautiful. Seeing Venus with our Moon most people captured the scene on camera.

Indeed the real person is the one who explores the universe and its secrets.

Written by Piyar Ali

I began my writing career as a freelancer on different websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer. I am most interested in writing about Science, Health, and International News. All of my articles are well-researched and based on reliable sources.