
90% of complaints are resolved with the help of the PITB’s “Case Flow Management System”

The Directorate of Consumer Protection Council’s “Case Flow Management System,” created by the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB), has received 48,721 complaints.

Since its debut in 2019, the “Case Flow Management System,” which was created by the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) for the Directorate of Consumer Protection Council, has recorded 48,721 complaints for the District Authority and 50,059 complaints for the District Consumer Courts.

This was revealed at a progress assessment meeting at Arfa Software Technology Park, presided over by PITB Chairman Faisal Yousaf (ASTP).

The meeting’s attendees were informed that 46,597 out of 48,721 complaints to the District Authority and 46,911 out of 50,059 complaints to the District Consumer Courts had been resolved.

It is important to note that the Case-Flow Management System has improved the overall workflow and provision of public services by digitising the manual system of the District Consumer Courts, Councils, and District Authority.

Additionally, the technology has allowed the District Authority to successfully resolve 96% of the complaints it received and 92% of the cases it received from district consumer courts.

Written by Aly Bukshi

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