
Pakistani soldier injured by Afghan soldiers’ gunfire at Torkham border

Pakistani soldier injured by Afghan soldiers’ gunfire at Torkham borderAt the Torkham border crossing between the two nations, Afghan border forces opened fire without warning, injuring a Frontier Constabulary soldier

Afghan border forces opened fire without provocation at the Torkham border crossing between the two nations, injuring a Frontier Constabulary soldier.

According to reports, a paramilitary checkpoint was attacked by Afghan government forces while the Taliban were in control of the country. Pakistani forces replied appropriately.

The hurt soldier has been transported to CMH Landi Kotal for medical attention.

The Afghan government blocked the Torkham border, which was the principal crossing point for people and goods between the two nations, on Sunday night.

An Afghan person who attempted to enter Pakistan without proper documentation was turned away by the Pakistani authorities. The Afghan military responded by closing the border crossing.

Written by Aly Bukshi

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