
The Sindh High Court Has Ordered PTA And FIA To Take Down Offensive Content About Kubra Khan

The Sindh High Court (SHC) to take down offensive material about Pakistani actress Kubra Khan from the internet

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) have been ordered by the Sindh High Court (SHC) to take down offensive material about Pakistani actress Kubra Khan from the internet.

The court orders were issued only a few days after Major (retired) Adil Raja said in a vlog that some military generals had filmed politicians from various political parties in Pakistan using top Pakistani females as bait in order to blackmail them.

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Adil Raja referred to these actresses by their initials (KK, SA, MK, and MH), but social media users immediately understood to whom the retired army officer was referencing. Following Adil Raja’s video, people on social media began posting pictures of these women along with disparaging remarks.

Sajal Aly, Mehwish Hayat, Mahira Khan, and Kubra Khan—four prominent Pakistani actresses—reacted angrily to Adil Raja’s remarks and the subsequent character assassination on social media. So much so that Kubra Khan threatened Adil Raja with a defamation lawsuit in London unless he withdrew his statement within three days and issued a public apology.

The past four days.. have been so tough for me and my family that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to convey in words, Kubra Khan posted on Instagram on Thursday. Even after it was made clear that my name or initials were mistakenly understood, I was unable to understand why somebody would bully me in such a vicious way.

Before I even reacted, I wondered why my images were being used in such an unacceptable way, and then I understood that it was because no one has ever put a stop to it. when we’re so accustomed to keeping silent. Due to our silence, another will continue to perpetrate the same harm till this one dies. However, enough is enough.

So, I’m using my constitutional rights as a Pakistani while depending on the law to uphold my dignity, and I’m saying what I want to say for all the strong, independent women who work hard but who face insults on a regular basis. If a situation like this develops in the future, every woman and man should know that speaking up for themselves is their RIGHT. I won’t stand here and claim that I stood up for every lady, but I will say that I did.

“So now.. I place it in your hands, the hands of God, and those who carry out Our laws. I’ve made my case. K.K Out”

Written by Aly Bukshi

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