
The Lahore High Court prohibits tree cutting to reduce smog

In an effort to reduce smog, the Lahore High Court (LHC) has outlawed tree cutting in Punjab’s provincial capital, Lahore

Justice Shahid Karim gave instructions at a hearing on a petition to remedy the smog problem, noting that the situation in the provincial capital is already grave and that felling trees would only make it worse.

The judge demanded new legislation that would make felling trees a crime. No No Objection Certificates (NOCs) for tree cutting were to be issued by the Environment Protection Department for any projects. Additional sessions have been arranged for February 17 by the court.

Smoke from industry, cars, and crop burning contributes to city smog, especially towards the start of the winter. Breathing difficulties and other health issues are brought on by this heavy fog.

Punjab has seen significant smog problems in recent years, especially in the early winters when showers in January or February can help lessen the smog brought on by dangerous particles.

Written by Aly Bukshi

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