
Terrorist Group is Active in KP During General Elections: ECP

Pakistan’s Election Commission faces security threats and financial challenges ahead of upcoming general elections

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has been informed that there have been persistent security threats in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province due to the presence of the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which could affect the upcoming general election in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

During the briefing at ECP headquarters in Islamabad, Chief Election Commissioner Sikandar Sultan Raja discussed the law and order situation in both KP and Punjab.

The Supreme Court had mandated that the ECP hold the elections 90 days after the dissolution of the assemblies.

To ensure the peaceful conduct of the elections, the ECP is currently holding meetings with stakeholders. While the date for the KP elections has not yet been set, the general election in Punjab has been scheduled for April 30.

After Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Leader Imran Khan pressed for early elections, the government dissolved both houses of the National Assembly in mid-January. To get funding and provide security for the polls, the ECP is currently having some challenges.

The ECP was informed of specific issues preventing the extension of security and funding for the elections during a session with the secretaries of the interior and finance ministries.

It would cost at least Rs65 billion to hold the general elections nationwide, the ECP warned Finance Secretary Hamed Yaqoob Sheikh. Twenty billion rupees of this would be required immediately for the Punjab and KP elections.

The ECP is still dedicated to conducting the elections peacefully in spite of these challenges. The security authorities are keeping a close eye on the situation and taking the required precautions to protect the security of the election personnel and voters. The ECP and the government are collaborating closely to raise the money needed for the elections.

The approaching general elections will have a significant impact on Pakistan’s political landscape, thus the ECP is doing everything in its power to guarantee that they are free, fair, and transparent.

The ECP must make sure that a democratic and peaceful electoral process allows the Pakistani people to have their say because they have high expectations of their elected officials.

Written by Imad Khan

Imad Khan has the skills and experience to deliver top-notch content that informs, engages, and inspires. He oftens explores nature in his free time.