
Swat Explosions Connected to Armory Short Circuit

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa police’s preliminary investigation has revealed the cause of the Monday’s twin blasts that occurred at a counterterrorism facility.

17 people died as a result of the attack, including 9 officers, 3 civilians, and 5 recently detained militants who were being held there for investigation.

Additionally, 70 people were injured, mostly police officers, caused by an electrical short circuit at a munitions warehouse within the premises.

The facility and the surrounding areas sustained severe damage as a result of the explosion, which happened around 8:20 pm and was followed by another blast 12 minutes later.

Initially, it was thought that a militant attack was what caused the explosions, but after a careful investigation, the police have ruled this out.

The explosion, according to the police, was caused by the explosion of mines, rocket-propelled grenades, and other weapons that were seized in various cases and kept in the warehouse.

A projectile from the explosion tore a hole in the roof of the police lines mosque after striking a building 400 metres away.

A two-person fact-finding committee has been established by the interim Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government to fully investigate the incident.

The committee is made up of Saqib Ismail Memon, the Additional Inspector General of the Police’s Special Branch, and Muhammad Abid Majeed, the Secretary of the Home and Tribal Affairs Department.

The police have promised to conduct their investigation with an open mind and take into account all possible perspectives, and the committee has been instructed to submit a thorough report covering every aspect of the incident.

The police chief of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Akhtar Hayat Khan, has said that the police will also work to secure such material stored in other areas as well.

Protests have erupted in Swat, with hundreds of people taking to the streets to demand peace in the area. The protests at Kabal Bazaar and Nishat Chowk in Mingora were organised by Swat Olasi Pasoon and Swat Quami Jirga, respectively.

The KP police chief, the commander of Peshawar’s corps, the Inspector General of the KP Frontier Corps, and the Chief Secretary all visited the facility on Tuesday in response to the incident.

The police chief, Hayat Khan, also prayed for the deceased officers’ souls and placed wreaths on their coffins.

On the second day, a rescue effort is in progress with the aid of 100 workers and large equipment. So far, 13 bodies have been transported to their hometowns.

The incident has generated a great deal of worry, and the authorities have vowed to take all necessary precautions to stop similar incidents from occurring in the future.

Authorities have urged the populace to maintain composure and assist the police with their investigation, which is still ongoing.

Written by Imad Khan

Imad Khan has the skills and experience to deliver top-notch content that informs, engages, and inspires. He oftens explores nature in his free time.