
International Veterinary team treats Elephant in Karachi Zoo

A team of seven international veterinary doctors came from outside the country to treat the elephant Noor Jahan at Karachi Zoo, according to reports.

Noor Jahan is a 17-year-old African elephant who underwent a surgical examination. The veterinary doctors had a meeting with Administrator Dr Syed Saifur Rahman and the management team. Noor Jahan is priceless to the people of Karachi and brings in good income for the zoo. The team of expert doctors came to Pakistan at the request of the Sindh government to provide assistance. Earlier, four African elephants arrived in Pakistan, including Noor Jahan, Madhubala, Malika, and Sona.

The foreign veterinarians will take special care of the elephant’s health. It is heartwarming to see good treatment of animals in Pakistan. Noor Jahan has suffered from arthritis and faced many difficulties. According to Dr Amir Khalil, who is leading the team, they will do their best to treat Noor Jahan. An ultrasound report showed a large hematoma in her abdomen, which is why she was sick for many days. Noor Jahan is still young and deserves more life and good health, which is why the veterinarians came from outside the country to treat her.


The veterinarians from Bulgaria, Egypt, and Germany provided a water massage to the elephant at the zoo and are going to shift her to a better place for further treatment. They are determined to provide good treatment to Noor Jahan. Hematomas are caused when blood leaks from damaged blood vessels into the tissues. The veterinarians performed tests, such as ultrasound and x-rays, to find damaged tissues and injuries. Surgery is the best treatment for hematomas in elephants. After surgery, it is important to take care of the elephant for the next few days by giving fluid therapy and pain management therapy.

If Noor Jahan had not been treated in time, it could have caused internal bleeding, but thanks to the government of Sindh for taking action on time to save her life. Thanks to the expert doctors who came from outside the country on time to save Noor Jahan’s life and make the people of Karachi happy. The expert doctors from Bulgaria, Egypt, and Germany found the hematoma in her abdomen and started treatment to make it successful. Now the management should take special care of the elephant for a few days so that she can fully recover.

Written by Piyar Ali

I began my writing career as a freelancer on different websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer. I am most interested in writing about Science, Health, and International News. All of my articles are well-researched and based on reliable sources.