
Health Risks Associated With Procrastination

It has been found that procrastinating can eventually lead to anxiety symptoms, irregular sleep patterns, and even pain.

According to a new study published in JAMA Network Open, delaying important tasks and assignments may negatively impact one’s health. Over 3,500 college students in Sweden were involved in the study, which revealed that procrastination is associated with anxiety, irregular sleep patterns, and even physical discomfort.

Over a period of nine months, the research team monitored the students and found that those who tend to put things off are more likely to suffer from stress, anxiety, and sleep deprivation. Procrastinators are more likely to develop both physical and psychological problems, according to study co-author Alexander Rozental.

Although this study was an observational study, it highlights a previously established link between procrastination and health problems. In spite of the difficulty of establishing an exact cause-and-effect relationship, the study suggests that further research may be useful.

Participants’ procrastination levels were assessed using the Swedish version of the Pure Procrastination Scale. On a scale of one to five, the students were required to rate themselves on five different statements. In addition, 16 self-reported health outcomes were evaluated, including general health, lifestyle habits, and mental health.

As a result, the study emphasizes the importance of establishing routines and avoiding procrastination, as it may lead to poorer health. Despite the temptation to delay tasks, it is essential to maintain a structured schedule and avoid procrastination.

Written by Aly Bukshi

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