
Government Issues A List Of Vacations For 2023.

The official and optional holidays for Muslims and other minorities in Pakistan for 2023 were declared by the federal government on Monday.

Holidays in public

The Cabinet Division has announced that there would be 11 public holidays in 2023.

Observing Kashmir Day on February 5

Islamabad Day 23rd of March Thursday

Eid-ul-Fitr April 22, 23, and 24 are Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

Working Day May 1st, Monday

Eid-ul-Azha Thursday, June 29, 30, and July 1

Ashura days (9th,10 Muharram) Friday and Thursday, July 27 and 28

Day of Independence a.m. on August 14

Eid-Milad-un-Nabi 28th of September, Thursday

Day of Allama Iqbal November 9th, Thursday

Christmas Monday, December 25, Quaid-e-Azam Day, or Tuesday following Christmas, December 26 (Only for Christians)

According to the notification, the dates of holidays for Muslim festivals are based on anticipated dates and are contingent to the moon’s appearance, for which a separate notification will be issued by the Cabinet Division.

Following that, there will be bank holidays. But according to the announcement, banks, DFLs, and MFBs would continue to be closed to the general public but not to their staff these days:

Bank Holidays

2 January (Monday)

March 22 (Wednesday)

July 3 (Monday) (Monday)

Optional Holidays

on January 1st January 1st, Sunday, Basant Panchami January 26th, Thursday

Shiv Ratri falls on Shab-e-Mairaj, Saturday. Holi on February 18th, and Dulhandi on March 6th Shab-e-Barat is on Tuesday, March 7 Good Friday is on March 8th. Friday, April 14, Eid-e-Rizwan Friday, Monday, April 10, Baisakhi Friday, Friday seven days after Easter Friday, April 21, Buddha Purnima July 7

Nauroze, August 16, Wednesday

Monday, August 21, Chehlum, is Lord Zoroaster’s birthday. September 6th, Wednesday

Ashtami of Janam 7 September, Thursday

October 23, the day of Durga Pooja

Dussehra 24 October on Tuesday

Yairahvi Shareef October 27th, Friday

Guru Valmik Swami Ji’s birthday is on October 28th, which is Diwali. November 12th, Sunday

Monday, November 27, is Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s birthday.

Written by Aly Bukshi

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