
Encrypted Direct Messages Are Set To Launch This Month On Twitter

It has been announced that Twitter is planning to announce direct encrypted messages this month, according to Elon Musk.

In addition to many product changes to make Twitter a more attractive platform, Elon Musk has repeatedly mentioned that he desires to improve and secure direct messages as much as possible. To make DMs more secure, he will use an encrypted messaging app called “Superset Signal” It was announced over the weekend by Musk that end-to-end encryption for DM is going to be rolled out this month. Also in addition to this, users will be able to reply to individual messages as well as use any reaction emoji they wish. Musk intends to roll out the capability of replying to individual direct messages, using any reaction emoji, and encrypting messages later this month. Users can only pick from seven emojis when reacting to a post.

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With end-to-end encryption protection enabled, no one, including Twitter, can read your chats other than those who receive them. Several other apps and messaging protocols already use this kind of encryption, including WhatsApp, Signal, and iMessage. It is currently possible for Twitter employees to read the content of direct messages that have been sent via the platform. At this time, there is no clear indication as to whether encryption will be available for individual and group chats. Likewise, it needs to be clarified whether end-to-end encryption will be enabled by default or whether it will be a feature that can be opted into.

The idea of direct encrypted messages is a familiar one. In 2018, Twitter started working on these things but then abandoned its efforts after a short period. There has been a resumption of work on this feature on the social network, and Jane Manchun Wong, an app researcher, discovered new code suggesting that the network has resumed work on the feature under the new management now in place. It should also be noted that Twitter designer Andrea Conway revealed a concept in February where DMs would have a banner at the top of a conversation to inform users that the conversation is encrypted end-to-end. It is important to note that Twitter has also introduced new features to achieve feature parity with chat apps such as WhatsApp and Telegram. Last year, the Meta-owned app expanded its emoji reaction feature, and Telegram made custom reactions a paid feature behind a paywall.

Written by Arslan Arif

My name is Arslan Arif. I have worked as a professional content writer for various websites for many years. my main interests are Technology, Business, Sports, and Politics. Despite this, I am passionate about writing, cricket, and movies, some of my hobbies.