
By The End Of April, All Government Buildings Will Be Powered By Solar Energy

The federal government has updated its standards for solarizing public buildings in light of the fragile state of the economy

The federal government has updated its standards for solarizing public buildings in light of the fragile state of the economy.

According to sources, the administration has decided against using public funds to pay for the solarization of public buildings and has instead ordered all state organisations to set aside space and pay for the installation of solar panels out of their own pockets.

The Alternative Energy Development Board will receive the load estimation report for the entire project (AEDB). All departments have been instructed to adhere to the regulations for making the switch to solar energy and to ensure that all government buildings have done so by April 30, 2023.

The cost of converting to solar energy will be entirely borne by government institutions and departments, as was previously announced. According to sources, departments without the funding will lease solar panels. The government hopes to save about 5,200 MW of energy with these steps, which might result in a yearly import bill reduction of billions of euros.

On behalf of the Procuring Agencies, the AEDB will soon begin the competitive bidding process to select the Installer/Contractor. In this context, a Bid Evaluation Committee made up of representatives from AEDB and Procuring Agencies would be formed.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has ordered that a centralised procurement method be used for the solarization of all public sector buildings in order to expedite the process. In this regard, the Procuring Agencies will sign into Contract Agreements with the Successful Bidders after the AEDB completes the competitive bidding procedure on their behalf.

The necessary information regarding the buildings that the procuring agencies own will be provided on the standard proforma that AEDB has created and sent to all the ministries.

Procuring Agencies shall guarantee funds are available for the Own Cost Model, while for the Lease Purchase Model, Procuring Agencies will receive a letter of commitment from the Finance Division confirming funds are available for the payment of quarterly installments.

Written by Aly Bukshi

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