
Armed Men Raped Girl in Islamabad F9 Park

A girl allegedly was raped by two armed men at gunpoint in Islamabad’s F-9 area on Saturday, police said.

Police reported Saturday that two armed men raped a girl at gunpoint in Islamabad’s F-9 around, which stunned everyone.

According to the initial information, the incident occurred Thursday night when two armed males approached the victim in a F-9 park, who was there with her male coworker (FIR).

According to the FIR, the perpetrators beat the young girl up after she begged them to let her go and even offered them money in exchange for her safety.

When the victim tried to raise her voice, the attackers hit her and threatened to contact their “friends” to join them. The attackers also blocked her attempts to flee, according to the FIR.

As stated in the FIR, while they were leaving into a nearby thicket, culprits returned “all our things and paid us Rs1,000 to stay quiet,” while also reminding the victim that she should not be in the park at this time of night.

Margalla police stated that a case had been filed against the accused and that an investigation into the incident had begun.

According to authorities, the suspects are being tracked down using CCTV video and Safe City cameras. The administrators of F-9 Park were also being questioned in order to learn more about the suspects, according to police.

According to hospital authorities, the victim received a medical examination yesterday at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS). Torture marks were discovered on the girl’s body, according to sources.

Meanwhile, the victim’s samples have been forwarded to a forensic laboratory for deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) testing.

A forensic examination of the woman revealed that marks consistent with sexual assault were discovered on the body of the 24-year-old victim.

“There are damage marks on the victim’s leg and face,” according to PIMs sources.

In response to the F9 Park incident, the Islamabad police said its Gender Protection Unit is investigating the harassment under the supervision of CPO Operations Sohail Zafar Chattha.

The special squad is currently questioning park officials and individuals present at the time of the occurrence.

Written by Aly Bukshi

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