
64 people have died as a result of the suicide attack at the Peshawar mosque

Sixty-four people have died as a result of the suicide bombing at the Police Lines mosque in Peshawar, as five more remains were pulled from the rubble on late Monday night.

According to security officials, the explosion occurred on Monday at 1:40 pm as Zuhr prayers were being delivered, and as a result, the mosque’s ceiling collapsed. The blast also injured at least 157 people.

According to police officer Sikandar Khan, the suicide bomber-allegedly-attempted explosion occurred at the mosque where many people had congregated for prayer. Mr. Khan continued, “A part of the building had collapsed, and it is thought that numerous individuals were underneath it.”

Police personnel made up the majority of the victims. Uncertainty surrounded how the bomber entered the walled compound, which contains Peshawar’s police headquarters and is situated in a high-security area.

When the attacker detonated his explosives vest, there were around 300 worshippers worshipping in the mosque and more were on their way. According to police officer Zafar Khan, several people were hurt when the roof collapsed, and rescuers had to clear mountains of rubble to get to worshippers who were still buried beneath it.

The injured were taken to the Lady Reading Hospital and other medical facilities by police and rescuers. The area was quickly blocked off by the authorities, who are still determining the cause of the explosion.

Images and videos posted on social media by users depict horrifying sights as the bleeding victims were transported to hospital facilities for first help.

“It is impossible to fathom the magnitude of the human catastrophe. Visiting the injured in Peshawar and pledging “severe action,” Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif tweeted that “this is no less than an attack on Pakistan.” “against the bombing’s perpetrators. He sent his sympathies to the victim’s families, stating that “words cannot explain their agony.”

On the other hand, funeral prayers for the 27 police officers who died in the Peshawar suicide attack at the Police Lines Mosque were said on Monday night in the mosque’s grounds.

Senior military and civilian officials, relatives of martyrs, people from various walks of life, the Corps Commander in Peshawar, the Chief Secretary of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the Commandant of the Frontier Constabulary, the Inspector General of the Frontier Corps, and others attended the funeral in large numbers.

Written by Aly Bukshi

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