
Schools In Punjab Relax Strict Uniform Policies To Protect Students From The Cold

After the winter vacation, all educational institutions in Punjab returned earlier this week, and students are now attending lessons despite the bitter cold

The provincial government has ordered all schools to loosen uniform policies as a precaution to protect youngsters due to the bitter weather.

The School Education Department (SED) informed all public and private schools in the province to reduce the requirements for wearing uniforms, allowing children to dress in comfortable, informal attire.

As residents of Lahore and other cities tremble in the midst of the recent cold wave, it was stated that students can dress in any warm clothing, including a sweater, blazer, coat, jacket, cap, and socks, in January and February.

After the federal government issued a notification permitting students to wear sweaters or jackets of any colour in addition to the uniform, the provincial authorities loosened the tight dress rule.

The decision to relax was taken because parents are unable to purchase additional warm clothing due to excessive inflation, and the weather has turned cool after recent downpours in some regions of the country.

Written by Aly Bukshi

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