
Petroleum Products’ Prices Won’t Change: Ishaq Dar

On Saturday, the federal government announced that the price of petroleum products will not change

On Saturday, the federal government announced that the price of petroleum products will not change.

Ishaq Dar, the finance minister, made the announcement during a press conference.

The current pricing are valid for the following two weeks.

According to the decision, the cost of gasoline would continue at Rs. 214.80 for a litre, while the cost of HSD will be Rs. 227.80.

Kerosene oil and light diesel oil (LDO) would continue to cost Rs. 169 and Rs. 171.83 per litre, respectively.

The cost of gasoline was reduced by Rs. 10 per litre at the latest review, while the cost of high-speed diesel (HSD) was reduced by Rs. 7.50 per litre. Kerosene and LDO costs were both decreased by Rs. 10 per litre.

Written by Aly Bukshi

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