
Azam Khan is Appointed Caretaker CM of KP

On Saturday, Azam Khan was appointed caretaker chief minister of KP province.

Following an agreement between the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government and the opposition, Governor Haji Ghulam Ali appointed former provincial chief secretary Azam Khan as the province’s interim chief minister on Saturday.

The name of the interim chief minister was unanimously agreed upon a day earlier during a meeting to finalize the appointment of the province’s caretaker CM.

The KP governor issued a notification today appointing Azam Khan as caretaker chief minister under Clause (IA) of Article 224 of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973 Constitution. It stated that the governor might take further action or administer the oath to the caretaker CM.

The outgoing chief minister, Mahmood Khan, and the Leader of the Opposition in the outgoing KP Assembly, Akram Khan Durrani, were asked to consult with the provincial governor about the appointment of the CM, and both agreed on Azam as the nominee, according to the statement.

The newly appointed caretaker CM previously served as federal secretary for the religious affairs and petroleum ministries. He had graduated from Lincoln’s Inn in London with a Bar at Law degree.

Written by Aly Bukshi

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