
A Tremor Shakes Mirpur and Other Azad Kashmir Cities

Vibrations from an earthquake were felt in a number of Azad Jammu and Kashmir cities, including Mirpur

Sunday Night, vibrations from an earthquake were felt in a number of Azad Jammu and Kashmir cities, including Mirpur.

According to news reports citing the meteorological agency, the earthquake had a Richter scale value of 3.3 and a depth of about seven kilometres.

The met office reported that Mirpur AJK was close to the earthquake’s epicentre. Along with many other cities, tremors were also reported in Bhimber, Kotli, Dadyal, and other places.

At the time, there were no reports of earthquake damage. However, people left their homes because of the tremors, they became frightened.

The October 8, 2005 earthquake, which was remembered as one of the biggest tragedies in the region and claimed almost 75,000 lives, is still a source of anxiety for the inhabitants of Azad Kashmir. It devastated thousands of homes as well as state-owned buildings.

Written by Aly Bukshi

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