
President Alvi writes to the ECP to promptly announce the dates of the KP and Punjab elections

President Dr. Arif Alvi requested in a letter to the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) that Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa polls be announced as soon as possible

President Alvi urges the electoral commission to stop spreading risky speculative propaganda by reminding the body to declare the date for elections for two local legislatures.

Citing Article 224(2) of the Constitution, he stated that elections must be conducted and held within 90 days of the assembly’s dissolution. He also stated that this is the tribunal’s main responsibility.

If the ECP did not carry out its responsibilities and obligations, it will be held accountable and held to account for the Constitutional infringement. As the head of state, Alvi, a prominent member of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), adding that he was sworn to uphold, defend, and maintain the Constitution.

Election delays or postponements, according to Alvi, have a major negative long-term impact on democracy.

After numerous PDM alliance members argued that Pakistan could not afford to hold alternative elections, the President contacted the ECP.

Written by Aly Bukshi

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