
WhatsApp Has Started a Test to Silence “Unknown Numbers”

WhatsApp has started considering another option for users’ convenience, making it easy to ‘mute’ calls from unknown and suspicious numbers.

WhatsApp made it easier to connect with large groups of people early last year by introducing the Communities function, further elevating it to one of the top messaging services on the market. However, it also entails letting strangers contact and chat with us on the phone and in our inboxes. As we know, dealing with arbitrary offers to crypto fanatic groups is already a hassle. There is no way to block or silence calls from unauthorized numbers, even though the service allows you to report and block spammers.

You’ll be pleased to learn that WhatsApp is developing a feature to mute these callers if you’re trying to eliminate persistent, unwanted calls from total strangers. This option will work for one or many numbers, but the user can see those numbers while blocking does not. Similarly, those numbers will also appear in the notification. WhatsApp’s internal news website ‘Web Beta Info’ has reported that this option is currently being worked on; however, its trial or beta version may take some time.

This feature can have many benefits in that women can silence calls from unknown persons. At the same time, cold calling for business and marketing purposes, which is very common in the US, will also be prevented, and its purpose is to protect people from frequent phone intrusions. Nothing has been said about its implementation, and it should be activated from the main menu. Once a person receives a call, the number will be displayed, but the receiver can mute the call, as we know that WhatsApp spam is nothing new and continues to resurface in different ways.

Written by Arslan Arif

My name is Arslan Arif. I have worked as a professional content writer for various websites for many years. my main interests are Technology, Business, Sports, and Politics. Despite this, I am passionate about writing, cricket, and movies, some of my hobbies.