
A Bomb Blast Near Peshawar Police Line

As Per Initial Reports, there is a bomb blast near Peshawar Police Line. Rescue Operation Starts. More Than 17 Martyred and More than 60 injured.

A Very sad incident took place in Peshawar near the police line. as Per initial reports more than 17 Martyred and several were injured. The blast took place at the time of Prayer.

The rescue Operation starts. injured are being taken to Lady Reading Hospital. Sources say that at least 18 people embrace martyred and more than 90 were injured in a suicide attack inside a mosque in Peshawar’s police lines area on Monday.

Over 100 people were injured in the explosion inside a mosque near police lines.

The hospital’s spokesperson confirmed that 18 people died and that 100 people were taken to the hospital with injuries. More than 14 of those people are said to be in critical condition, according to rescue sources.

Rescue workers found out that the explosion happened during Zohr prayers, when the suicide bomber was in the front row.

They said that the sound of the explosion was so loud that it could be heard from a long way away, and that gunshots could also be heard after the explosion.

It was found out that part of the building had fallen down, and it is thought that several people are under it.

An eyewitness who saw the explosion happen told the media that he was on his way to the mosque at the time.

“There was a big explosion. “After the blast, there was smoke everywhere,” said the person who saw it. He also said that he saw the mosque’s roof fall down when he woke up.

“At the time of the blast, at least 140 people were in the mosque. The bomber was inside the mosque’s inner courtyard when he set off the bomb. When it happened, the Zohr prayers had just begun. “Most of the people who were injured were police officers,” the eyewitness said.

The president of the Civil Secretariat Association in Peshawar, Tassavur Iqbal, who prays at the mosque often, said that security is always high in the Police Lines area and that no one can get in without showing their ID and being searched.

As per the initial investigation Security officials said that based on what they knew so far, the attack was a result of a suicide bombing.

Written by Aly Bukshi

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